English: General business terms (AGBs) warranty

Important Information especially to warranty of Con-Vex electronic GmbH !


The goods are to be examined for correct supply within 5 working days after receipt, even in the case of goods originally packed and sealed. this applies equally to the solderability and connectivity of the goods. Statements of RoHS and lead content are based on declarations by the manufacture and/ or our suppliers. We accept no responsibility for these.

We expressly draw attention to the following:

The Customer is obliged to examine the condition of the goods supplied immediatly after receipt to ensure composition in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications, but in any case before any further use, in particular installation,  change or further processing. Any deviations must be reported to us in writing immediately, but at least within 28 days. If no defects are reported within the periods indicated, the goods are considered faultless and approved in accordance with the contract.



11. Erfüllungsort, Gerichtsstand

Ist der Kunde Kaufmann im Sinne des Handelsgesetzbuches, sind Erfüllungsort und Gerichtsstand für alle Streitigkeiten der Parteien aus dem Vertragsverhältnis .

12. Rechtswahl

Es gilt das Recht der Bundesrepublik Deutschland

Con-Vex electronic GmbH

Eingetragen im Amtsgericht Offenbach HRB 51917, Registergericht Offenbach

Con-Vex electronic GmbH  ist urheberrechtlich geschützt


Con-Vex Electronic GmbH


ISO 9001 Zertifikat-Registrier-Nummer: 50469

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